Natural healing
Herbal medicine is actually the most important pillar of Chinese medicine. In addition to acupuncture treatment Chinese herbal medicine can be prescribed. Based on the same Chinese medicine principles, I prescribe a herbal formula adapted to your own individual symptoms and complaints. The herbal prescriptions can be granules, capsules, tablets or dried herbs which can be boiled and drunk as a tea.
Su Zi (苏子 – Perillae Fructus) is the name of the Perilla plant in Chinese pinyin. Related to Mint (Lamiaceae), it is otherwise known as Shiso and has purple, red or green varieties. In Chinese herbal medicine its seeds are used to descend the Qi. The combination of acupuncture with herbal medicine may lead to a deeper and long lasting recovery. A specialized herbal pharmacy sends the prescription to your home address. Depending on the herbal combination or length of treatment, the extra costs amount to an average of €1,- per day.
Dosage and duration
Depending on the duration of treatment, the herbal prescription is taken twice a day for several weeks. Tablets or capsules are taken with a glass of water, while 3 to 4 teaspoons of the granule or powder herbal prescriptions need to be mixed with boiling water before drinking. Preferably the prescription is taken 15 minutes before or after a meal. For small children the formula can be prescribed as a syrup or droplets.
Cooperating pharmacies
De NatuurApotheek
Weteringweg 14
2641 KM Pijnacker
Tel: +31 15 361 44 77
Fax: +31 15 361 44 55
Dragon Herbs B.V.
Ubbergseweg 20
6522 KJ Nijmegen